Week of February 18, 2002
Lynn W.

"Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is a child of God, and every one who loves the parent loves the child. By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome. For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that overcomes the world, our faith."
     1 John 5: 1-4

A Lenten journey seems to be a struggle when one is evaluating their life and reflecting on what it means to be a child of God. At baptism, I was welcomed into the family of God as His child and my sponsors promised to teach me the commandments, Lord's Prayer and learn to read the scriptures. Unfortunately, my sponsors were not around for my spiritual guidance. My uncle died of cancer when I was in the fifth grade and my mom's friend kept her distance with family hardships. At an early age, I made a distinction between my father, who raised me in this world and God my Heavenly Father, my confidant. I experienced God's love in my life which gave me faith to live. My faith in Jesus Christ has overcome the worldly issues I deal with daily but I still struggle with matters of the heart.

As a parent of older children, my heart breaks when their choices do not seem to be my expectations. It makes me realize that love is deeper than the outward hug or kiss, that their choices may need a listening ear, an encouraging voice, a prayer or two, as I let them go. What parent wants to see their child live in a low income neighborhood or begin a family before completing their education? The choices are not mine and yet a burden to my heart to watch.

My extended family has commented and criticized what I should do as a parent. If I love my child, shouldn't I bring him back home? Love for a parent or a child may mean letting go, as I struggle with those matters of my heart. Now I need to let God's love intervene in the lives of those I love and watch for the blessings so that it will not be burdensome for me. These Lenten reflections will be examining me as a child of God through Jesus so that I can overcome the world's values in spite of other people's opinions about me. I do not need the world's acceptance because my faith has won the victory through Christ.

Mother Theresa described how a Christian should live out their faith from her book Words to Love By (pg. 77):

"At the end of life we will not be judged by
How many diplomas we have received,
How much money we have made,
How many great things we have done.
We will be judged by,
"I was hungry and you gave me to eat,
I was naked and you clothed me,
I was homeless and you took me in."
Hungry, not for bread,
But hungry for love.
Naked, not for clothing,
But naked of human dignity and respect.
Homeless, not only for want of a room of bricks,
But homeless because of rejection."

Luther's Prayer of Acceptance
Dear Heavenly Father:
Teach us to trust the Spirit You have breathed into us. Give us grace to believe Your Word, by which we are made as Your children. Help us to understand that we belong to You, even though we are undeserving of your love.

Help us to see Your judgment and mercy in the suffering and death and resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ. Cause us to accept again the new life in Christ which You have given us by faith. Enable us to live without despair and without pride. Lead us to know with joy that You accept us as a whole human being.

Father, teach us one more thing. Show us that in this new life You give, we no longer have to build walls of fear to protect ourselves from others. Help us to live cheerfully and generously, so that others may receive You through Christ's Word and work in us and begin to live in You. Bless us and keep us for Jesus sake. Amen.

Contributed by Lynn W.
Published Monday February 18, 2002
Week 12 of Liturgical Year A