Week of February 11, 2002
Ken T.
Scripture Readings:
Psalms 139:1; Psalms 25:5;
Job 30:24; 2 Corinthians 3:12
Search me, Lead me, Teach me, Stretch me, Use me
(Psalms 139:1)
"O Lord, Thou hast SEARCHED me and known me."
King David recognized that the Lord knew him well. It seems that being open to a search is an important step for each of us to take if we are to be receptive to living a God fearing life. Too often we move on our own path and neglect to pause and reflect on the best way for us to live our daily life. We need to be willing to have our thoughts, our actions, and our personal relations face the scrutiny of a thorough search. Being searched will help us face our shortcomings, and more importantly, strengthen our resolve to overcome them.
(Psalms 25:5)
"LEAD me in Thy truth and TEACH me,
For Thou art the God of my salvation;
For Thee I wait all the day."
We have been searched and known. A logical next step is to open up and ask to be led. We are continually fighting the desire to do what we want to do rather than what God wants us to do. Each of us needs to pray to be lead in the truth.
We also need to be taught. This verse in Psalms 25 highlights the relationship of being lead and being taught. We grow in our faith when we read the Bible, attend worship services, participate in Bible classes and discussion groups, read Christian materials, and listen for God's voice each and every day. We grow as a Christian when life long learning becomes our goal.
(Job 30:24)
"Yet does not one in a heap of ruins STRETCH out his hand,
Or in his disaster therefore cry out for help?"
We shouldn't wait until disaster strikes to stretch out for help. I like to think that the word stretch should be an integral part of our Christian life. We should pray to God to stretch us. Study after study has shown that we are capable of accomplishing much more than we do. We only scratch the surface of our potential. Sometimes we think, "Why am I expected to bear this burden?" or "I will never be able to perform this task at my church." Instead, I think that we should pray, "Thank you Lord for stretching me."
(2 Corinthians 3:12)
"Having therefore such a hope, we USE great boldness in our speech."
Our final step in service is to say "use me!" As 2 Corinthians 3: 12 states, it is important to speak out with boldness. This is certainly one way that God can use us. However, there are many people like Moses who don't feel they have the ability to speak out. Maybe this is an area that we need to be stretched! However, we all have different talents. Let God lead us in the ways in which we can be most effective. We need to open our hearts to the needs around us and pray, "Use Me."
Lord, we pray that you will search us, lead us,
teach us, stretch us, and use us. Amen
Contributed by Kenneth T.
Published Monday February 11, 2002
Week 11 of Liturgical Year A