Week of February 2, 2002
Rosemary S.
"And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened to him and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, 'This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.'"
Matthew 3:16
The first Sunday after Epiphany (January 13 this year) is celebrated as the Baptism of Jesus.
The dove descended at the baptism of Jesus, and is also well known from the story of Noah and the ark. The dove is also prominent in the book of Psalms and the Song of Solomon. The dove is acknowledged as a sign of peace.
I found a simple origami dove many years ago and have used it for handmade Christmas cards and special greeting cards, for workshops at local and national women's group conventions and conferences and as a basic "bird" for teaching children origami. It can be made up in any color paper for school or scout classes.
To me, perhaps the most meaningful use is the following:
In the early 80's, my friend Ellie Matthews, then president of the NJ Lutheran Church Women organization, was invited to participate in a study tour of Europe, including visits to Poland and both West Germany and the newly opened East Germany included.
A week or so before she left, she called and said she had just found out that she was supposed to take a bunch of "swaps" to share with the people they visited. I tried to think of something that was light to carry, inexpensive, and could be obtained in a large number in a short time. The little white dove fit all the criteria, and while watching television that night, I folded a hundred or more of these doves, stuffed them into a large envelope, and mailed them to her.
They were a hit with the travelers and the people they visited. Since I included instructions for folding, the women spent time on the plane or waiting rooms folding more and gave them away. Any size paper will do, and they are relatively fast and simple to construct.
About six months later, Ellie called and asked if I read National Geographic and cited a certain issue. I looked it up in the library, and here's what the reporter who wrote an article on middle Europe wrote, "At Auschwitz, I came across a group of Lutheran Women from the United States singing softly as they placed tiny folded paper doves on the barbed wire fences surrounding the former prison camp."
These women were Ellie and the rest of the group, and those were the doves I had folded! The fact that this reporter was there at the same time and noticed the women and was impressed enough to write about it in a well-known national magazine gives me "Holy Ghost bumps". Another friend, when I showed her the article, remarked, "What a coincidence." I believe it was not a coincidence, but a miracle, which may be called "God's little coincidences".
(I would be glad to give you the instructions and help you learn to fold this reminder of the love and grace of God.)
We thank you, almighty God, that by water and the Holy Spirit you have bestowed upon your children the forgiveness of sin and have raised us to the new life of grace. Bless us, O Lord, with your presence, enfold us in the arms of your mercy, and keep us in your love forever. Amen
(Baptismal Prayer, Occasional Services)
Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Monday February 4, 2002
Week 10 of Liturgical Year A