Week of December 9, 2002
Pastor Tracie
"The beginning of the good news
of Jesus Christ, Son of God."
Mark 1:1
Many people who know me will say that I value efficiency. Dan thinks I can get from point A to point B faster than most. And, to be truthful, I do like efficiency. So when I read the Gospel of Mark, I think that if I were to have written a gospel, it would probably resemble Mark's gospel more than the others. I like that Mark's gospel starts out quickly and uses the word "immediately" quite frequently when referring to Jesus' activities. We don't get a lot of unnecessary detail in Mark. Knowing that, we pay attention to the words that are there, because they all seem important.
There is no time for preparation in this gospel. We just jump right in to the story. And it is strangely comforting. Perhaps with this gospel's beginning, I am off the hook for making sure all the Advent preparation is complete. It no longer matters if the decorations are put up on time or the cookies baked to perfection or the gifts wrapped just so. The good news is here. Already. Jesus Christ, Son of God has entered into our lives and we are never the same again.
"Thank you God for the gift of Jesus Christ
and the life we have in Christ's name.
Contributed by Pastor Tracie
Published Monday December 9, 2002
Week 2 of Liturgical Year B