Week of August 19, 2009
Helen L.
"To all perfection I see a limit:
but your commands are boundless."
Psalm 119: 96
As we go about our daily activities, we often aim for perfection. It is an admirable goal. We want to complete a project ahead of time, give a perfect presentation, have perfect children, bake perfect cookies, have a perfect lawn. All big stuff, and worthy of our best. We want to be good and do good things. But often we don't just want perfection, we want miracles. Miracles come in all sizes and at this time of the year when life slows down a bit, I am easily reminded of the many small ones that pass our way: An unexpected phone call from an old friend; A smile from a stranger; Taste of a berry; A song bird outside my window; Laughter of children; Green stoplights all the way to the mall; The first sliced tomatoes and sweet corn of the season; Smell of rain; Sweetness of forgiveness. They remind us that there are more small miracles than big ones. The small ones make up the fabric of our lives and the lives of those around us. May we open our hearts to the whole world and value the small works.
I wish you a day of happiness and perfection -- little bit-size pieces of perfection that give you the feeling that the Lord is smiling on you and awakens you to his presence. Amen.
Contributed by Helen L.
Published Monday August 19, 2002
Week 38 of Liturgical Year A