Week of August 12, 2009
Lynn W.

"Likewise the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought, but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words. And God, who searches the heart, knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."
     Romans 8:26-27

As I faced difficult times this summer I was not sure how to pray, not only for others but myself. Changes caused stress which made me realize I was not in control. Prayers seem to go unanswered or it was not the answer I wanted to hear. A few weeks ago I watched my dad and his wife sell their house in Edison and move to Florida. I was given the mementos of ceramics I made as worthless treasures to others but not for the maker. As we were going through the rubbish, there sat a twelve year old wheelchair ready to board the moving truck to Florida. I realized my childlike dad was holding on to the last memory of my mom's suffering from cancer. I smiled at my dad and convinced him that the wheelchair could be given to someone needy in the area. He decided to call the Pastor to find a home for the wheelchair.

Dad's health is failing and I prayed that he would not leave NJ. But now he made choices to move away from family and be close to another. I wait for the phone to ring realizing I need to be the one to call. The reason it is hard for me to call is because he may not know who I am and when I hang up the tears will flow.

As I read through this Romans passage, I am thankful for the Holy Spirit to intercede for me with sighs too deep for words. My loving God searches my heart when others may point fingers of what I have left undone. For me, the wheelchair represents a moving towards God's direction. When one is helpless and finds desperate need of a push, behind the chair is the Holy Spirit keeping us in God's will.

"Merciful God, grant that the spirit of Jesus may dwell and reign in our hearts, that we may enjoy your peace and know the power of your Spirit, bearing witness with our lives that we are indeed your children; through Jesus Christ our Lord." Amen.
     (Occasional Services, pg. 71)

Contributed by Lynn W.
Published Monday August 12, 2002
Week 37 of Liturgical Year A