Week of September 17, 2001
Amy M.
"While they were eating, Jesus took a loaf of bread and after blessing it he broke it, gave it to the disciples and said, 'Take, eat; this is my body.' Then he took a cup, and after giving thanks, he gave it to them saying, 'Drink from it all of you, for this is my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.'" Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God."
Matthew 26:26-28
I believe that on the cross, Jesus Christ fought and defeated -- for all eternity -- the power of evil. He told his disciples, face to face, that he was pouring out his own body and blood, "for many for the forgiveness of sins." If we understand the cross, and Jesus' words at his Last Supper, we will begin to understand that the words, "This is my body" is God's way of releasing us from the need to sacrifice ourselves and others in the name of revenge. Jesus has already done this for us on the Cross.
After Tuesday's attack, our US government and the press speak of military action, warning us of the risk of 'collateral '. 'Collateral damage': What a cowardly word that even the press is too afraid to unpack for us. 'Collateral damage' means killing human persons. It means women and children and old men and women. It means shopkeepers and doctors and all those who make a human community what it is. It means animals and all the species who are not involved in our human warfare at all. The terrorists obviously thought of all the American citizens who perished in these vicious attacks -- and citizens of other countries -- as 'collateral damage.' They threw away lives, only to make the point that they despise Western culture and the United States. What a cruel and wasteful way to make a point, or express hatred and anger. The New York Times reports that one of the hijackers even left behind a wife and 4 children. Are families who are left behind also only 'collateral damage'? Is it OK for us in our anger and humiliation and grief to turn other persons into objects and refer to them as 'collateral damage,' in the name of Jesus Christ, who gave his body for us? Is it OK to think that our American soldiers -- who in the end are still someone's son, daughter, husband, mother, or father -- are expendable, in the name of Jesus Christ, who poured out his own blood for us?
Jesus' words, "this is my body, this is my blood" have released us from the need to express our anger and grief through violence. On the Cross, Jesus has given us justice and freedom. The justice and freedom that he has given us, penetrates our hearts deeper, and will last longer in our lives than any 'freedom' or 'justice' we think we can obtain for ourselves.
Lord, in my grief and anger, grasp me and take hold of my life so that I can use it for the good of all living creatures on this earth. Lord, in my insecurity and fear, give me the sight to see you beyond my helplessness. Thank you that on the Cross, once and for all, you defeated the powers that try and defeat us. Thank you that your Son, Jesus Christ gave his own body for ours. In your name, Amen.
Contributed by Amy M.
Published Monday September 17, 2001
Week 43 of Liturgical Year C