Week of September 10, 2001
Pastor Tracie

"By faith we have been made acceptable to God. And now, because of our Lord Jesus Christ, we live at peace with God."
     Romans 5:1

This marvelous "Good News" is at the heart of our faith as Lutheran Christians. We profess that Jesus Christ has made us right with God and so our lives are responses to that wonderful gift. Instead of constantly trying to prove ourselves or earn our way into God's heart, we are free to just live our lives knowing that we are already secure in God's heart. But that doesn't always keep us from feeling insecure, from doubting ourselves or worrying about how we measure up. The ways of the world cause us to prove or re-prove, earn and merit our way up the ladder of success. The following poem by Gerhard Frost calls us back to the gospel reality and reminds us that it is God in Christ who makes us worthy. This is all we need to know.

The Demon Self-Doubt
By Gerhard Frost

He'd had a great year in kindergarten,
but now the going was hard in first grade.
After reflection and brooding,
he came to his mother with a sad self-assessment
and solemn conclusion:
"I don't think I'm really first grade;
I'm more kindergarten type."
For another, it had been a significant career,
fifty-five years of hard and responsible work.
But now he sat alone, downcast and discouraged.
As I approached him with a greeting he said:
"I'm no good; I can't work at anything anymore."
Two persons,
each with a given dignity
and "justified by faith," both deep in self-evaluation
and suffering
at the hands of the demon., self-doubt,
both at a crossroad
and needing wise and compassionate friends.
Voices are needed,
my voice and yours,
voices of self-appointed guardians of the fragile egos
of the very young and very old,
and everyone between,
voices to proclaim
That God has loved us
into dignity and worth forever.

Contributed by Pastor Tracie
Published Monday September 10, 2001
Week 42 of Liturgical Year C