Week of September 3, 2001
Lynn W.
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus." Philippians 3:14
Goals and quotas are present in the workplace, school, and in our lives. At times, we become stressed trying to meet the standards our boss, counselor, parents, children or spouses may have for us. But we press on toward a goal, that we see in prayer and evident in worship. Our ultimate goal is what God has called all of us to do so that we proclaim the good news to our neighbor. Paul does not write about being sluggish about our faith but to be energized by the Holy Spirit with joy knowing Christ is the prize.
Recently, I have been pressing on toward a Master's of Divinity degree (MDIV) at The Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and one of my requirements is to worship God in city churches and to return to the seminary in the evening for a discussion. Along the way, I pass boarded buildings, streets torn up and hear whistles and sirens blowing early on a Sunday morning. One Sunday, security showed me where to park and the next day I bought the "club" for my car to prevent my vehicle from being stolen. Before I leave my house I pray that I would meet another seminarian student. In a church of 3,000 you might think it impossible but each time I have gone to Philadelphia, my prayer has been answered.
I am learning a lot about worship in the city churches and comparing them to ours. Some of the churches from various denominations still have the altar against the wall instead of bringing the altar forward for the Pastor to face the people. The main difference is the city churches are in the midst of injustices as a part of their life and so one Priest used this benediction: "Do justice, live in peace and serve the Lord."
Heavenly Father, You have encouraged all of us to press on and share our faith with others. At times, we may feel discouraged or face the injustices of this world. Keep us focus on the ultimate goal for us wherever you call us to be. Strengthen our faith, give us joy in the Holy Spirit, and peace to serve you the rest of our lives. We are indebted to You for sending your only Son to die for us, so that we can run the race You have before us. In Jesus Christ now and forever.
Contributed by Lynn W.
Published Monday September 3, 2001
Week 41 of Liturgical Year C