= Running in Faith October 29, 2001

Week of October 29, 2001
Rosemary S.

"A capable wife, who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. The heart of her husband trusts in her. (.... and the verses which follow)
     Proverbs 31:10-31

The words of Proverbs 31, verses 10 through 31, may well have been written for Katherine von Bora Luther. Although volumes have been written about the great Reformer, there is usually only a line or at most a paragraph about Katherine, whom Luther called "my rib" or "my lord".

Katherine was only 18 when Luther posted his famous 95 Theses in 1517. Sent to the convent when she was not much more than a toddler, Katie was one of the 9 nuns who wrote to Luther asking advice about leaving the holy orders. When it became clear to Luther that the women were determined to do just that, he arranged for a merchant to smuggle them out of the convent, supposedly in herring barrels. Soon the ex-nuns had all married, except for Katherine who was spurned by the family of the young aristocrat she wanted to marry. So Katie lived with several families after her escape, including the family of artist Lucas Cranach, who created "Sermons in Paint" from Luther's works and painted portraits of both Luther and his wife. Another possible husband was suggested, but the 26 year old said she would rather remain single that be wed to a 60 year old pastor.. In response, she announced that she would consider Martin. Luther had no intention of marrying; by this time he was an "outlaw" of the church. Friends convinced Luther that he should "practice what he preached" and take a wife himself, so to please his parents and "spite the pope", they were married in June of 1525. The event is now recreated in Wittenberg every year with three days of festivals and more than 100,000 visitors.

Luther not only fell in love with his new wife, but also respected her abilities to take care of him and their family. In addition to 6 children (two girls died at ages 8 months and 13 years), the Luther household consisted of students who lodged in the parsonage, and the many colleagues who were in constant residence. They raised several orphaned children of relatives, too. Kate became Luther's greatest earthly treasure, an honest and unflinching counterpart; a comfort in distress, a companion making his life fruitful beyond all expectations. Martin encouraged Katie in her Bible studies and suggested particular passages for her to memorize She brought order to the household, took advantage of the monastery's right to brew beer, bred cattle and acquired many plots of land. She managed the finances of the family, helped free Luther's mind for his work of writing, teaching, and ministering. Luther called her the "morning star of Wittenberg" since she rose at the first light of day to see to her many responsibilities taking care of the vegetable garden, orchard, fishpond, and barnyard, including butchering them herself.

Although Saxon law permitted wives to only inherit household good, while children, especially sons, received the family assets, Luther went against the law and in his last will and testament directed that Katharine be the sole inheritor of the Luther property. He also gave her sole power of attorney, definitely against the law of the state, since he reasoned that Katherine had always been a valuable and faithful wife and was competent to handle the financial debt of the family. The courts, however, refused to uphold the will, appointed a guardian for the family, and asked Katie to leave her home. She refused, and continued to accept boarders and maintain the family farm. War broke out, so Katherine and her remaining family fled, only to return a year later to a ruined farm. Her determination and the help of Philip Melancthon reopened the house to students until her death from the plague in 1552.

Katherine Luther was truly the personification of a "virtuous woman" and fine role model for all women. Luther was fortunate to have the love and care of such a good wife.

Dear Lord, help us to remember that we all have a calling in life, whether it is noble or humble, celebrated or secret, public or private. Let us remember all those who have gone on before us, doing the work you have given them. Teach us to do the best we can with what we are given. Lead us in the paths of goodness and mercy, seeking justice and peace for all your children. Amen

Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Monday October 29, 2001
Week 49 of Liturgical Year C