Week of October 22, 2001
Ken T.

"The wicked are doomed by their own violence;
they refuse to do what is right."
"For he who finds me, finds life."

Proverbs 21:7

The terms "wicked" and "violence" are commonplace in our conversations and in the media since the attacks on September 11. Shock has reverberated throughout the world since that fateful day. Our hearts go out to those who lost loved ones and who continue to struggle with the aftermath of the violent happenings on that day. Proverbs 21:7 stresses the importance of doing right. We can't help but wonder why people would choose violence over doing what is right. Newspapers, radio, and television have covered a multitude of reasons as to why the terrorists would be willing to give up their lives and cause the deaths of thousands of innocent people. It seems to me that the political leadership of every country must follow the principle of doing what is right for the long term solution of the violence that exists in the world.

We also ask the question, "What can I do?" I am firmly convinced that the most important thing we can do is to also do what is right. Doing what is right at work, in our community, and within our families will have a ripple affect and set the tone for actions of our country.

During a week earlier this month, we had the opportunity to host a young man from Ghana. In an e-mail we received prior to his arrival, we were informed that he was a Christian. It was comforting for us because we immediately had a common bond. He arrived within a few weeks of the attacks in New York City & Washington, DC and shared with us the grief and concern over what had taken place. We went to New York City and, although we didn't go to ground zero, we did observe the changes that had taken place such as an increased police presence, extensive security when going into buildings, and finding that tourist attractions such as the United Nations and the Empire State building were still closed. Even though we were from dramatically different cultures, had completely different experiential backgrounds, and differed in age, our desire for a world that could live in harmony was the same. This pointed up to me how important it is for all of us to do what is right. This means within the sphere of where we live even if we may never travel to another country or meet a person from another country. Our actions and the message that our actions send will have far reaching influence.

It is easy to speak about doing what is right. The challenge is to know what is right in all situations. Throughout the book of Proverbs, Solomon speaks of the importance of wisdom. We need to search out the truth through the scriptures, prayer, study, and education. Solomon would also say that we need to use good sense! We will then have the guidance that is needed to do right.

Lord, guide us in our actions and in our comments to do what is right. Give leaders throughout the world the wisdom that will lead us to have a violence free world. Show us the ways that we can contribute to this goal. In your name we pray, Amen.

Contributed by Kenneth T.
Published Monday October 22, 2001
Week 48 of Liturgical Year C