Week of March 5, 2001
Nancy E.
"Beloved, if God so loved us,
we ought also to love one another."
1st John 4:11
When traveling on business that involves being away from home on a Sunday, I always attempt to attend church in the city to which I have been sent. This is not always possible. Such was the case when I was in Albuquerque in February. Thus, I thought my private study of scripture would be my "message" for the week. However, that was not to be the case.
I picked up a copy of Kukadze'eta (Town Crier), the community newspaper for the Laguna Pueblo Community. In it I found a weekly message from Rev. Byron Sarracino. His column titled, "Salt for the Journey," served as my weekly sermon. I would like to share his message to the Native Americans in his pueblo with you.
You Must Have Compassion
There is an old saying that goes like this: People don't care how much you know, but they know how much you care. We need to get back to the very basics once more. Taking the time to say our hellos, give our hugs when appropriate, and go the extra mile. What do I mean? Years ago our own relatives associated love with time spent with one another. Family gatherings were the norm of the week not the exception. Making trips from one village to the other, even if it meant walking! Today we do well if we see one another every 6 months or so at the old Casa Blanca Commercial Center. Jesus taught his disciples to love one another through his example.
"A new commandment I give unto you, that ye love one another as I have loved you. By this all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for one another." John 13:34
Compassion with shoes on will bring a new joy into your life. Let me challenge you to give some time to visiting everyone this year that is a true relative. Give of yourself. Make a few personal sacrifices. Get to know them. Start there, then work down the line, such as classmates, old friends, coworkers, etc. I'm convinced by the end of this year if you'll attempt to show a little bit of care toward others, you'll want to do it again! You can give without loving, but you can't love (that is have compassion) without giving.
O Lord, grant me the wisdom to know the difference between compassion and pity and the strength to put into practice your teachings of love in my daily life. Amen.
Contributed by Nancy E.
Published Monday March 5, 2001
Week 15 of Liturgical Year C