Week of June 18, 2001
Pastor Tracie
On Sunday, June 10, I attended a synod ordination service. Two pastoral candidates were ordained into word and sacrament ministry, Christine Nessel and Thomas Kildea. During the ordination service, there is a charge that is read to the newly ordained regarding care for the people they are called to serve. The charge ends with the sentence: "Be of good courage, for God has called you, and your labor in the Lord is not in vain."
This sentence is my favorite part of the entire service. It is my favorite for several reasons but the most important is because it applies to all of us, ordained or laity. It applies to all the baptized who are disciples of Jesus. We have all been called by God for ministry in the world. We have all been called to serve where we are planted whether that is in the workplace, in school, in our families, at play, wherever.
In the waters of baptism, God has called us to a new life. And knowing that God calls us into the world gives us the courage to do those things we might not otherwise do -- to speak up for justice, speak out against oppression, do a loving deed for another, serve those we meet. Because it is God who calls us into ministry for Christ's sake, our labors in the Lord are not in vain. Even when others don't see the point.
So today, as you begin another week, hear these words addressed to you: Be of good courage, for God has called you, and your labor in the Lord is not in vain.
Gracious God, we give you thanks for in the waters of baptism you have called us by name to work in your world and for your sake. You have called us to serve others for Christ's sake. Give us courage to carry out the ministry that you set before us. Give us strength and patience, grace and mercy. And in all things, give us joy in your presence. Amen.
Contributed by Pastor Tracie
Published Monday June 18, 2001
Week 30 of Liturgical Year C