Week of June 11, 2001
Melanie H.

"Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."
     Isaiah 40:31

The seasons of the year bring different kinds of weather. There are days bright sunshine as well as the dark, dismal, rainy days where everything is gray. Sometimes our days seem gray regardless of the weather outside. Even during the brightest days we can experience nothing but darkness inside.

One thing is sure, however: Whatever you day is like, God is with you. He is alive and present whether you feel His presence or not. He never deserts us. He doesn't abandon His children. And he doesn't say "Pull yourself out of it. Shape up. Get your life together." Instead He says "Wait on me." To wait seems to imply resting on Him, relying on Him, and looking to Him as your source of strength.

Have you ever seen eagles soar? An eagle takes off from its perch and slowly climbs into the sky. When it finds an updraft the eagle keeps its wings outstretched and floats effortlessly for miles. And since it doesn't need to flap its wings, the eagle doesn't become weary.

In the same way, when we have troubles and burdens, instead of carrying them around like a 100-pound backpack, we need to heed God's invitation in Isaiah 40:31. God says, "Give Me your burdens. Tell Me about them. Give Me your worries and concerns." And when we do so we are able to soar as His faithfulness carries us through our difficulties. Isaiah's promise that we will run without becoming weary graphically points us to the Lord for our strength.

As you face the grayness which may cloud your life today, remember: In the storm of life, there is that time when the clouds begin to break and the rays of sunlight begin to penetrate.

Dear Heavenly Father, give us the strength to stand firmly in our faith in every situation of life. Amen.

Contributed by Melanie H.
Published Monday June 11, 2001
Week 29 of Liturgical Year C