Week of July 30, 2001
Nancy E.

"O taste and see that the Lord is good!"
Psalm 38:4

Fellowship Thought for the Day:
"Those who love their dream of community more than the Christian community itself become a destroyer of the latter, even though their personal intentions may be ever so honest and earnest and sacrificial." -- Dietrich Bonhoeffer

As you read this, Jack and I will be in Spain where we have gone to taste and see more of the goodness of that wonderful country. We have a Spanish rail pass and will be traveling around different sections of Spain and staying in paradors. These are historical buildings that the Spanish government is able to maintain in topnotch condition by converting portions of them into hotels. Within each, the kitchen serves only foods of that region. We will be truly seeing and tasting Spain.

As the person who plans all our trips, I can tell you that it takes much enjoyable time to prepare for such a trip. Traveling through life for the Christian is much the same. David, the Psalmist, invites us to taste and see that the Lord is good. In order to do so, we must prepare ourselves to do so. And...the preparation is enjoyable. Using the Bible as our guidebook, researching Christian literature, listening to our Pastor's messages, seeking advice from other travelers, surfing the net for inspirational messages, and then just tasting and seeing reap wonderful experiences.

O God, be with me as I taste and see the wonders of this world and prepare for my ultimate journey to be with you. Amen.

Contributed by Nancy E.
Published Monday July 30, 2001
Week 36 of Liturgical Year C