Week of July 16, 2001
Pastor Dan

"I have learned to be content
with whatever I have."

Philippians 4:11

During the nostalgic days of summertime, we often have a little more time to reflect on our lives. Some folks wrestle with the tensions between how they imagined their lives might turn out, and how they in fact have. Perhaps your life has met unexpected tragedy or gradual disappointment. Perhaps your life has brought material success but personal emptiness. In middle age, can one find a way to reclaim the luster of optimistic youthfulness?

In Anne Tyler's novel, "Ladder of Years", 40-year old Delia Grinstead becomes acutely aware that she is living her own life, but it is one she disdains. While on vacation at the beach with her physician husband and three almost-grown children, Delia suddenly decides to keep walking down the beach until, eventually, she settles in a strange new town. She wants to become free-spirited and unencumbered with no responsibilities, no past, no relationships. She wants to try living someone else's life, or perhaps living as if she has no past.

Reviewers have described "Ladder of Years" as everyone's secret fantasy. But rarely does anyone actually live out that fantasy. Those who do reap tragic results. As a professor of mine once said, "The devil will beat you to any new destination!" Sooner or later, we realize that we cannot escape our present life, our past and the persons we have -- for better or worse -- become. The faithful life inspired by the witness of St. Paul is to travel through, not around our relationships, our encumbrances, and our histories. Although we cannot flee the past or escape the present, God's grace and constant forgiveness can enable us to be free and content to bloom where we are planted in life.

Lord of life, you have set us free through faith in you even as we are joyfully bound in love to our loved ones both near and far. Enable us always to discover true contentment in this beautiful paradox. Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Dan
Published Monday July 16, 2001
Week 34 of Liturgical Year C