Week of January 1, 2001
Melanie H.

"Be still, and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10

Dear Lord Jesus, once you spoke peace to the wind and the waves. Speak your shalom over my heart. I wait silently...patiently. I receive into the very core of my being your loving command, "Peace, be still." Amen.


Do you ever hear the sounds of silence? They are there. In their own way they speak loudly. Quietness for some is a way of life. Quietness for others is uncomfortable. It can be a time to reflect, a time to create, a time to recover, a time to grieve, a time to rejoice, or a time to listen to God.

Reflect for a moment.
What are the times of quiet you value most?
What do you think about when you are quiet?
What feelings do you experience when you are quiet?
How does God speak to you when you are quiet?

The Psalmist tells us to be quiet for a very specific reason. When we fill our lives with activities and busyness, it's easy to forget our Creator. There are times in the midst of the most hectic day when we need to close the door, unplug the phone, sit down in a chair, lean back, and close our eyes. The busiest day of your life is the best day to do it; it is the time you need it the most. Even 60-90 seconds of silence as you sit can be a time for God to speak to you.

The following prayer was written by Richard J. Foster while on a silent retreat in Singapore:

I have O Lord, a noisy heart. And entering outward silence doesn't stop the inner clamor. In fact, it seems only to make it worse. When I am full of activity, the internal noise is only a distant rumble; but when I get still, the rumble amplifies itself. And it is not like the majestic sound of a symphony rising to a grand crescendo; rather it is the deafening din of clashing pots and clanging pans. What a racket! Worst of all, I fell helpless to hush the interior pandemonium.

Contributed by Melanie H.
Published Monday January 1, 2001
Week 6 of Liturgical Year C