Week of December 24, 2001
Nancy E.
"Jesus was born in the town of Bethlehem,
in Judea, during the reign of King Herod."
Matthew 2:1 (The Living Bible)
What are you doing for Christmas?
In the past few weeks, this question has been asked and answered many times. Typically, the question and answers are asked and given from the secular point of view...going to visit family, the kids are coming home, I'll be alone this year, baking cookies, shopping, open house, etc.
As we begin this week of Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and the first few days of the religious Christmas season, let's ask and answer the question from a spiritual point of view. What are you doing for this Christmas this week?
Every Christian should celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus. But how? Webster defines celebrate as:
to honor;
to perform a ritual;
to commemorate (honor the memory or by ceremony) with festivity;
to honor publicity; and
to have a good time
Participating in and not just attending a Christmas Eve church service certainly goes a long way in fulfilling these definitions. It is in celebrating the birth of Christ with other Christians that we can begin a week-long pageant for commemorating the Holy event i.e., reenacting the birth of our savior.
Maybe you will choose the role of Joseph. He took with him Mary, his fiance, who was obviously pregnant by this time. (Luke 2:3) Do you find yourself identified with, and accepting responsibility for something others have brought to pass? Like Joseph's, your situation may even be something unpleasant that you don't understand that has to be accepted. Scriptures give us very little information for how Joseph did it. That is wonderful. It means he simply did the right thing in a quiet way without worrying about how others would talk about his actions. It is not essential for historians to document actions to make them powerful.
Maybe you would like the role of Mary. She gave birth to her first born child, a son. She wrapped him in a blanket and laid him in a manger. Notice that even though weak from a difficult trip in the last stages of her pregnancy and giving birth without the medical care we expect today, Mary (not others) first made sure the baby was taken care of. The Bible doesn't tell us, but she must have anticipated the needs of a newborn and brought the wrappings with her so that she was prepared to care for her child. Then, note how quickly she placed Jesus in a place where he was close enough for him to be cared for but in a position where he could be about his Father's business and learning to be independent. Jesus lay alone in the manger where all could see him. It would have been so much easier for Mary to have been selfish, hugged the baby to her breast, and told Joseph she didn't want any visitors.
Here's your chance to be an angel. Announce to everyone you meet, the most joyful news ever, that the Savior, the Messiah, the Lord has been born. Tell them, in these turbulent times, not to be afraid. Sing out with gusto, Glory to God in the highest heaven and peace on earth for all those pleasing him.
And shepherds were in the fields outside the village, guarding their flocks of sheep. Knowing the hard workers of our congregation, I am sure some of you will cast yourself as shepherds. You will continue to do the work for which you are paid, put the welfare and care of your responsibilities above those of your own, and maybe even those of your family. But, wait, Scriptures tell us the shepherds were afraid when they experienced the angel's message. However, they listened and decided to leave their sheep and run to the village where they found their way to Mary, Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger. Then, they went back again to their fields and flocks, praising God for the visit of the angels which led them to see the Child -- just as the angel had told them. Priorities count.
May you joyfully assume your role in reenacting the birth of Jesus, let's take our show on the road, and realize it will have a long run.
Lord, let me like Mary treasure the story of your birth in my heart and often think of it.
Contributed by Nancy E.
Published Monday December 24, 2001
Week 4 of Liturgical Year A