Week of December 17, 2001
Amy M.

"The Word was made flesh."
John 1:14

My favorite words of Martin Luther about Christmas are when he exclaims, "O, what a ridiculous thing, that the one true God, the high Majesty, should be made human; that here they should be joined, the human and it's Maker, in one Person. Reason opposes this with all its might."

I love the fact that we have a "ridiculous" God. Imagine if there indeed were 'other' gods: what would they be saying about Yahweh, the weird God who decided that the best way to maintain contact with his people was to become one of them?! What a bizarre, seemingly unproductive, undramatic, banal way to be divine. What a compromise for the Ruler and Creator of the universe! And yet...this very 'compromise' is the essence and center point of God's majesty and reign.

I thank God that God is the one Being who is free enough to pour out love to the entire world, through space and time. Thank God that God's love is strong enough to enter into the lowliest, weakest, and most secretive places. Thank God for Christmas.

Lord, be with us this season, whether we 'feel' the glow of Christmas or not. Thank you for being ridiculous. Open our hearts to the irony and the unexpected events that you offer to us in our own lives. Amen.

Contributed by Amy M.
Published Monday December 17, 2001
Week 3 of Liturgical Year A