Week of August 13, 2001
Rosemary S.

"There is neither Jew nor Greek,
slave nor free, male nor female,
for you are all in Christ Jesus."

Psalm 8:1

I recently returned from a visit to friends in the Midwest. I arrived in St. Paul and was met by Vernita and her husband. We had been among the "first presidents" of the new Women of the ELCA organization in 1987 and had kept in touch over the years. They treated me to a peek into "Swedish Minnesota," including a visit to the first Swedish Lutheran church and parsonage, several other large Lutheran churches (nothing in NJ could compare with the size of these), a picnic lunch on the St. Croix River, and a walk through a very unusual sculpture garden in Dewey, Minnesota. After an overnight at their house, we joined Joan, another first president, and Dolores, an ex-nun, and traveled to Milwaukee for the Church Women United Assembly.

Minnesota and Wisconsin, I was soon to learn, do not look much different from New Jersey! There are rolling hills, small towns, and long stretches of road. Two major differences are that they have much more open space, but then, we have an ocean and seashore. Meeting other friends (old and new) at the hotel when we checked in, we began to experience the event.

Church Women United convenes a nationwide assembly about every 10 years. The theme was, "One Bread, One Body, One Global Table". Women from all denominations (some with which I am not familiar) met together to worship, hear keynote speakers, celebrate 60 years of CWU, and enjoy each other's company. There is no business conducted -- a real change in similar events I have attended many times. The opening worship featured the Call for Peace Drum and Dance company, which included Miriam's Dance, a dance of freedom, praise and joy, and dances from countries and cultures throughout the world. At each session, I tried to sit with different women to expand the number of contacts.

My Saturday lunch speaker was Irina, a young woman from Russia who was involved with special education. When I arrived at the room, it was crowded, and Jane (another longtime friend) suggested I sit with the Japanese ladies. "Do they speak English?" "Well, a little." Oh great, I thought. The empty chair was between an older Japanese man (yes, there were a few attending) and an elegant looking middle aged woman. (I found out later that Kieko Kitagaki is a YWCAboard member in Shibata) She did speak English quite well -- he only a few words. We began by talking about the origami cranes that they had been making for each table. I asked if she knew how to do a butterfly. Cho-cho?" Thanks to my music history class years ago, I remembered -- Madame butterfly! So, I folded one, then slowly went over the steps with her and she did the same. They were all very excited, and I gave her a copy of the directions to share with the others. There was an American woman at the table who had served in Japan for 37 years as a missionary -- and spoke Japanese fluently. Another small lady, with a hat and a smile and a giggle, said her name was Saki. She needed no English to convey here feelings. She had been a kindergarten teacher for a very long time and managed to communicate all her needs and wants. Later, she gave me two small paper dolls made with origami. That lunch, including the remarks of Irina, was probably the highlight of the assembly for me. Such a diverse group; yet we could all laugh and pray together. On Saturday we were treated to a performance of "Sweet Honey in the Rock", a group of African American women who have been together for 25 years. They used their powerful voices, along with hand percussion instruments, to create a blend of lyrics, movement and narrative that variously relate history, point the finger at injustice, encourage activism, and sing the praises of love. They included spirituals, hymns, gospel as well as jazz and blues, and involved the audience in their concert. What joy filled that auditorium!

We drove back to Minnesota on Sunday and I was able to spend a couple days with Joan. Now employed by Southeast Asian Ministries, she and I have been friends for almost 15 years, since we met on a LCW trip in Appalachia. Southeast Asian Ministries is involved with resettling refugees, and as a side line, provides an outlet for the beautiful Pandau handworkJ and needlework of the Hmong women. Now, you are wondering, why is this in the weekly devotions? It sounds like a travel log to me!

Here is an example of the diversity and complexity of the body of Christ! Women from across the country and across the world, joining together in large and small groups, each a part of the family of God. Each one being part of the whole, while maintaining her own individual identity. We are all pieces of the great puzzle -- and without every piece, the whole cannot be perfect.

Heavenly Father, we are all your family.
We sing with the children of the world
..."Red and yellow, black and white,
   all are precious in God's sight."
Let us remember those who are hurting in your world.
Let us share what we have with those who have less.
Let us be good stewards of the wonderful gifts you have given us
   and not waste valuable resources.
Let us seek justice for those who live with injustice
Let us live in peace and harmony, now and forever.

Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Monday August 13, 2001
Week 38 of Liturgical Year C