Week of September 18, 2000
Amy M.
"So do not worry about tommorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today's trouble is enough for today."
Matt. 6:34
It is September, the slower days of summer are certainly over for me as I begin a new semester here at Princeton Seminary. This is the time when I start thinking ahead, to Christmas, to winter exams, to next summer. It's so easy to jump ahead, and feel the pressure of time. These days I am reminded of a "parable" by the Christian philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard. He lived in Norway in the 19th century, and was, frankly, a strange man. For those of you who also feel the pressure of time and "busyness," here is his parable.
"When in a written examination the students are alloted four hours to write an essay, then it is neither here nor there if an individual student happens to finish before the time is up, or uses the entire time. In this case, the task is one thing, and the time another. But when Time itself is the task, it becomes a fault to finish before the time is up. Suppose a man were assigned the task of entertaining himself for an entire day, and he finishes the task of self-entertainment as early as noon: then he would not deserve credit for his swiftness. So also when life constitutes the task. To be finished with life before life has finished with one, is precisely not to have finished the task."
Lord, with the busyness of school and of the coming winter months, please help us to take one day at a time to enjoy the time we have here on earth. Thank you for your words of wisdom, and patience; and for your presence in our lives. Amen.
Contributed by Amy M.
Published Monday September 18, 2000
Week 43 of Liturgical Year B