Week of September 4, 2000
Rosemary S.
When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my lambs." A second time he said to him, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" He said to him, "Yes, Lord; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Tend my sheep." He said to him a third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love me?" Peter felt hurt because he said to him a third time, "Do you love me?" And he said to him, "Lord you know everything; you know that I love you." Jesus said to him, "Feed my sheep."
John 21:15-17 (NRSV)
Well, another "edition" of Vacation Bible School at Abiding Presence has come and gone. This year, construction on the new facility made the event extra challenging. We had a smaller than usual crowd, not a bad thing since the weather was not especially cooperative, but all involved had a wonderful time
It's hard, though, not to compare the experience at Abiding Presence with the many years I participated in Vacation Bible School at Redeemer Lutheran Church in downtown Trenton.
At Abiding Presence, as with other suburban churches, VBS is a wonderful interlude during summer vacation, usually between trips to visit Grandma, the shore, or a camping experience. Mom or Dad either drop the kids off at the church, or in many cases, bring them with them as one or the other parent teaches, leads songs, helps prepare snacks, or sometimes just hangs out with them. There is (weather permitting) a large out of doors area to run and burn up energy, and lots of craft and lesson material to help discover more about the Bible and Bible people. Innovative snacks are presented to keep up their energy and enhance the lessons. The kids especially liked the multicolored rainbow Jell-O this year!
In contrast, during the summer of 1994 at Redeemer, most of the kids either walked on their own to the church, or were picked up by Pastor Fintzen in the church van. Some had to be rousted out of bed and helped to dress by one of the teachers. The small church parking lot was about the only outdoor area for play -- rope jumpers and basketball players were constantly encroaching on each other's space. Craft material and even lesson papers had to be shared carefully to make sure there was enough to go around. Instead of a snack, prepared lunches through the city's summer school lunch program were served to kids who probably would have gone without lunch otherwise. They had to be encouraged, though, to eat unfamiliar fruits and sandwiches.
After three three-day weeks (plus a couple of days of field trips), Pastor Fintzen jokingly wrote in his letter of thanks to the teachers, "I know you are in tears that the Summer Program ends today." He had no idea how close to tears I was during that closing worship. I'd known most of these kids only a few short weeks -- although I did remember a few from previous years. But they were all precious to me, especially since I knew that many of them would be somewhere else when Redeemer "summer camp" was held the next year.
The previous year, I had stopped by on the first day of VBS just to see how things were going. Pastor Fintzen said they had an overwhelming response, and in fact, would have to send 8 or 9 kids home because there was no room in any of the classes. "Unless, of course, YOU'D be willing to take a class"! He recognized a sucker and I agreed to take on the task. The class ended up to be 12 or 13 kids, from ages 6 through 12, and some of them didn't even speak English! One young girl had arrived from Liberia the previous weekend, and was really bewildered. No material was available for this eclectic class, but the curriculum was on Creation, so we formulated one as we went along - One day, each day, with crafts and activities "created" in the wee small hours each night to fit the theme of the coming day. I can truly say it was one of the most exiting classes I have ever had. Many of these kids had never heard the story of Adam and Eve, of the division of day and night, of separating the waters and the firmament, of the creation of the birds of the air and the fish of the sea. What a joy it was to see them learn to work together to produce a mural of each day's event and learn of the wonders that God provided for us.
The next year, it was certainly a challenge to be teacher to eleven 5th and 6th graders; kids on the edge of puberty, with hormones and emotions boiling over at unexpected times. Temperatures that hot, dry summer hovered well over ninety degrees outside, which intensified tempers inside. Boy-girl conflicts were evident, and "it's not my fault" was a constant echo. On Wednesday, we read the story of the Good Shepherd, and played a game of "find the lost sheep," hiding among, between, and under the piles of clothes in the Clothes Closet room.
It occurred to me that these young people could very easily become the "lost lambs," with no Good Shepherd to seek them out, no sheep fold where they could find safety and nourishment, easy prey for predators and wild beasts. Most were not members of Redeemer, some were not members of any congregation. Several of them would be living in other places before too much longer. Family ties were vague; living with cousins or relatives other than parents. A story about feeding company (Mary and Martha) offered insight into what a "good meal" would be--too bad we can't get MacDonald's to cater the lunches! Yet there were moments of eagerness to please, eagerness to learn, and eagerness to share whatever they had.
And then there were the littlest lambs, the three year olds who could hardly reach the table to eat, who needed help opening the plastic-wrapped state-provided lunches. I found cutting sandwiches and fruit in half increased the consumption rate; their tiny mouths (and missing teeth in the kindergartners) simply could not cope with a whole apple or peach.
Swimming at the Y brought together all the "campers." We walked up Broad Street each day at 3 PM, in the unrelenting heat (most days it was over 100 degrees by that time of day). One girl, who was terrified of the water the previous year, was very proud to show me that she could swim by herself. Others were enthusiastically practicing somersaults, flips, dives and back floats. The trust from the littlest ones who clung to me and the other adults for safety, even with an innertube to keep them afloat, was touching.
The Redeemer summer program was on hold for a couple of years due to changing pastorate and administration. It resumed this year, but only for a few evenings during one week, with a limited number of participants. I wonder what has happened to the kids I knew several years ago. One of the ones with whom I worked in a program for teens recognized me at Walmart where she was employed. She gave me a hug and kiss that I will not forget. Another has gone on to college, and I get an occasional update from a congregation member. Unfortunately, reports of others have not been as good -- trouble with the law and unplanned pregnancies happen.
Three days a week, for three weeks, for less than 6 hours a day for about 65 inner city kids. Would it make a difference in these tender lives? I shudder to think of what they did for the remainder of the summer. A few go to Camp Beisler for a week, a few go to other programs; but many will be home, in the heat of Trenton, left to their own devices, to other outside influences. What could we do if we were able to run the program for a whole summer -- ten weeks, three or four days a week, for 7 hours a day -- with a full staff and enough money to provide abundant craft and teaching materials! It could mean the difference for these little lambs.
Jesus said, "Feed my sheep. Feed my lambs." How can we do any less? Dear Jesus, help us to remember all your lost lambs, those who are hungry, homeless, and haunted by lives of poverty of physical and emotional support. Help them find places where they can be nourished in body and soul. Help us to look for ways to share our bountiful gifts. Bless the lost and lonely, both rich and poor, and keep us ever in your loving care. Amen
Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Monday September 4, 2000
Week 41 of Liturgical Year B