Week of May 29, 2000
Lynn W.
"The kingdom of heaven is like treasure in a hidden field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls; on finding one pearl of great value, he went and sold all that he had and bought it."
Matthew 13:44-45
How picturesque! Jesus spoke about the kingdom of heaven through these parables! For us, followers of Christ, do we find great joy in our spiritual journey to purchase the kingdom of heaven with all that we have? Do we even think of it as a treasure, like a pearl of great value?
I always took the kingdom of heaven for granted because I am a Christian and I believe that is my destiny as one of God's children. I started to think more about this concept when I began receiving a newsletter named, "Pearl of Great Price" from a Catholic parish. First, I thought where was that in the Bible? I have shared the verse with my friends so that they could grasp what Jesus said and how will they respond? For me, my response is not to take the kingdom of heaven for granted, but to grasp on to the true riches with joy instead of our earthly treasures that will not last forever. Our busy lives take us away from such joy but press onward for Jesus leads us each day on our journey toward the kingdom of heaven. It is like finding and purchasing one pearl of great value. Are you willing to grasp it?
Lord, Stir us on our spiritual journey that we may be able to grasp for joy the kingdom of heaven, like the pearl of great value. Each day be with us, so that we may know Your joy in our daily life. Keep us focus on Your will so that we share what you graciously have already given us -- your son Jesus.
Contributed by Lynn W.
Published Monday May 29, 2000
Week 27 of Liturgical Year B