Week of May 22, 2000
Wesley S.
"Then Philip began to speak [to the Ethiopian eunuch], and starting with this Scripture [Isaiah], he proclaimed to him the good news about Jesus"
Acts 8:35
There is a story about a debate on Christianity between an atheist and a priest. The debate was set for 90 minutes. The atheist spoke first and went for 85 minutes denigrating religion and criticizing Christianity specifically. When he finished, he turned smugly to the priest and said, "Sorry, you've only got five minutes left to speak." The priest got up and, because it was the Easter season, he said, "Christ is risen, Allelujah!" When the crowd responded, "He is risen indeed, Allelujah," the priest said to the atheist, "That's all the time I need; I've said everything I need to: Christ is risen."
The first lessons in the lectionary this Easter season are from the book of Acts which recounts the stories of the apostles going throughout the regions of the Roman Empire and spreading Christianity. Each time there is a geographical shift in Acts, Luke the author, adds this summary: "And the word of the Lord grew and prevailed." This is how Luke accounts for the spread of Christianity. He attributed it to nothing more and nothing less than proclaiming the message that because Jesus is risen from the dead we can have the assurance of God's forgiveness and love. Two thousand years later nothing more needs be said about the gospel than, "He is risen, Allelujah."
God of our risen Savior, we thank you for the power that raised Jesus from the dead and the power that sent the disciples into all the world. Empower us to stand up and proclaim to others that Jesus is risen and brings us new life. Amen.
Contributed by Westly S.
Published Monday May 22, 2000
Week 26 of Liturgical Year B