Week of May 15, 2000
Pastor Tracie

We know love by this, that Jesus laid down his life for us --
and we ought to lay down our lives for one another.

1 John 3:16

During the season of Easter, all of our readings appointed for the second lesson on Sundays have been from the First Letter of John. This book is not very lengthy in the New Testament, but it does contain some passages that loom large in our Christian lives. The one above was read in church this past Sunday. This was the first line of the reading. And it seems to me to lay the foundation for our faith lives.

For in this short sentence, we are given assurance and challenge. In that order. We are shown first what love is for us, Jesus laying down his life. This is the center, the core of who we are as Christians -- beloved by God through Jesus. This happens first, before anything else. We are loved and we know that love is Jesus' greatest act of unselfishness. One of our communion prayers puts it this way -- With a love stronger than death, he gave his life for us. This is what allows us to hear and do the second part of the sentence.

Knowing that we are loved and knowing by whom we are loved, we are called on to follow in Christ's footsteps and lay down our lives for others. That is, we are to put the needs of others ahead of our own. We are to look out to the world around us and tend the wounds of a broken world. We are to look to our children, our parents, the stranger, the neighbor and give of ourselves. Sounds like an impossible task on some days. Just imagine if we all lived up to this calling -- giving of ourselves for the sake of others. I can hardly picture what the world would be like. Each looking out for the other. Each giving up selfish wants for the sake of the other. Each loving the other the way Christ loves us. Here we are, back to Christ again.

For that is where we see this love demonstrated. That is where we rest secure when we don't live up to our calling as Christ's followers. That is where we get the energy to even go out and try to live for others. That is where we have life.

Thank you God that you have sent us Jesus. Thank you for showing us your love through Jesus' death and resurrection. Thank you for calling us your children and challenging us to live lives of service and love for others. Thank you for being there when we fail. Thank you for holding us in your arms when we lack courage to reach out. Thank you for giving us brothers and sisters in the faith who show us how to love and live in you. Thank you God for giving us Jesus. Thank you for showing us your love through Jesus. Amen.

Contributed by Pastor Tracie
Published Monday May 15, 2000
Week 25 of Liturgical Year B