Week of June 12, 2000
Debbie B.

"What does the Lord require of you but to do justice;
and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."

Michah 6:8

Recently, in my local paper, our community school board introduced their Strategic Plan for the future of our school district. This plan was developed by a group consisting of parents, teachers, school administrators, and members of the community. Part of this plan included the districts new Mission Statement.

Mission is defined by Webster as "the special duty or function for which someone is sent"; "the special task for which a person is apparently destined in life; calling."

The school districts mission statement clearly stated duties and functions that they felt compelled to fulfill in their role as educators to the young people in my community. In addition to establishing this statement they have also begun to work with members of the educational community to put this plan into action.

The prophet Michah under the guidance of our Lord has developed a Mission Statement for all of us. The mission that we are called to, is to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God. This mission is not always an easy one but we do not have to fulfill it alone. Christ who walked on this earth modeled this Godly life for us. If we turn our hearts to God, the Holy Spirit will help and guide us as we struggle to model the Godly life ourselves. We have the power through Christ to do justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with our God. We must remember our mission and use this power as we work and play in the community that God has called us to serve.

Dear Lord, We have your mission statement, we know that You are with us to help and guide us in the mission. Give us the courage to trust You and heed your call. Amen.

Contributed by Debra B.
Published Monday June 12, 2000
Week 29 of Liturgical Year B