Week of July 31, 2000
Wesley S.
Scripture Readings
Numbers 22:21-35,
Numbers 24:17,
Matthew 2:1-12,
Mark 11:1-6
One God and Three Asses
The story in Numbers 22:21-35 is one of the more comical episodes in Scripture. The story involves a professional seer, Balaam, who is hired out to place a curse on Israel. As Balaam rides his ass to deliver his curse, the ass sees the angel of the Lord and tries three times to divert Balaam's course. Balaam beats his donkey and forces him to continue the journey. Finally the angel of the Lord appears directly to Balaam and points out the irony that a simple ass can see the things of God when a professional prophet cannot. After Balaam sees the error of his ways, he blesses Israel and proclaims that "a star shall come out of Jacob and a scepter shall rise out of Israel" (Numbers 24:17). These words were later taken to be a prophecy of the Messiah and applied to Jesus birth in Matthew 2:1-12.
But Matthew 2:1-12 leaves out one thing that always appears in our Christmas pageant: An ass in the manger. Why is it that our pageants always include donkeys in the manger when they don't appear in Scripture? The story goes that one day God was looking for the proper animal to appear with Baby Jesus in the manger. The lion volunteered and said, "I am King of the Beasts. Only a Lion is worthy to be in the company of King Jesus." But God said, "No, my son's birth is not a royal event. I must find another animal." The peacock then appeared and said, "I have the most beautiful plumage in all the world. My majestic colors can provide the only proper backdrop for Jesus' birth." Again God said, "No, you are too proud. My son's birth is not an occasion for vanity." After a lot more searching, an ass was found but he declined saying, "I have nothing to offer the Messiah. I am lowly and a mere servant." Then God said, "No one but you has understood the servanthood nature of my son's birth. You shall be present in the manger."
There is a story of a preacher who was very depressed with the course of his ministry. He was discouraged, he saw no fancy results from his efforts, and he felt he was letting God down. In his discouragement he prayed out loud, "Lord, I'm such an ass." Immediately after, the preacher went to his Bible to read. He opened his Bible to Mark 11:1-6 where Jesus sends two disciples into a village where they will find an ass who has never been ridden. The disciples are to bring it to Jesus. Jesus tells the disciples that if anyone questions what they are doing, to say "The Lord has need of an ass." The pastor realized that even an ass has a place in God's plan.
All three of these stories have their comic dimension: a donkey who sees better than a professional seer/prophet; donkeys in the Christmas pageant; and the Lord having need of a donkey. But behind these stories are very basic truths: God will turn curses into blessings; servanthood is one of the basic messages of Jesus' birth; and yes, God needs us and uses even when we feel like an ass.
PrayerGracious God, thank you for all the gifts You have given us, including the ability to laugh at ourselves. Help us to keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to the ridiculous and the sublime as well as to the underlying messages. Let us understand and appreciate that all is not somber and serious to the point of banishing joy, happiness and laughter. We pray that you would help us keep perspective on life so we are not blinded and overwhelmed by it. Thank you, God, for this day and every day you give us to share and to serve. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.
Contributed by Westly S.
Published Monday July 31, 2000
Week 36 of Liturgical Year B