Week of July 25, 2000
Pastor Tracie
Jesus says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust consume and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consume and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
Matthew 6:19-21
On a recent trip to southern New England, my children were in the back seat of the car counting the money they had managed to save from birthdays, tooth fairy visits and other gifts. They were excitedly figuring how much they had and trying to decide how much, if any they were willing to spend on trinkets from our trip. As they had finished counting their fortune, Olivia was putting her bills and change back into her little purse and declared in an exasperated tone: "My dollars block my cents". What she said was that she could not easily fit all her bills into her little purse because the change was in the way. What I heard, however, was a profound stewardship lesson. I heard, "My dollars block my sense".
And oh how right she was. Our dollars often block our sense. They get in the way of seeing all the precious gifts God has given us. While focused only on the dollars, we lose sight of the real treasures we have been given. Just a few come to my mind -- precious children, loving husband, caring friends, compassionate congregation, adequate housing, beautiful sunsets and sunrises, abundant flowers in the garden, the smell of a neighbor barbecuing, swimming in cool water, rain watering the earth and I could go on and on. I am sure you could add to the list as well.
Today, I am especially mindful of all the treasures of heaven that are mine through Jesus Christ. I am grateful for the love which is poured out to me and to you each and every day, whether we see it or not. I am thankful that God calls me by name and bestows on me treasures too grand to count.
Gracious God of love and life, Thank you for all the treasures you bestow upon your children. Help us to keep our eyes open and our hearts on fire with your love. Let us live in joy for the treasures around us. We pray that you would help us keep perspective on our money so we are not blinded by it. Thank you, God, for this day and every day you give us to share. In Christ's name we pray. Amen.
Contributed by Pastor Tracie.
Published Tuesday July 25, 2000
Week 35 of Liturgical Year B