Week of July 18, 2000
Lois P.

"Thy will be done."
"Trust in the Lord."

Matthew 26:42 and Proverbs 23:19

A couple of weeks ago, our family spent a very nice week at the Jersey shore for vacation. One windy evening, we brought out the kite to fly on the beach. Casey and I kept trying desperately to get the kite in the air. I would hold the spool of string and she would throw the kite up in the air to get it started. I found myself tugging every which way on the string and running up and down the beach, back and forth. Nothing seemed to work despite the strong ocean breeze. The more I tried to control the kite, the more it seemed to nose dive into the soft sand below. Finally, after about 15 minutes, Casey and I got into "our positions" and she threw the kite up in the air. This time, a little breeze lifted the kite upward.

Casey began to yell..."It's working!!!" I started to guide the string and then Casey yelled, "Mommy, just let it go...let more string out!!" PRESTO! Houston, we have lift off. The crowd goes wild! And so, the string unraveled and the kite ascended gracefully and effortlessly. How easy that was...just let it go...let the winds do their thing.

As I stood there, looking up, watching the kite, I thought about how so many times in my daily life I try to control things. I run around or back and forth, stressing out about things that are not working out the way I think they should. Yet, when I trust in the Lord, when I stop and say to God.."Thank you, God, for being the source of my strength" and as I pray The Lord's Prayer.."Thy will be done," I am reminded of the Holy Spirit's presence each day.

How wonderful it is to let God lead us and guide us down the path of His Word. God is with us on that path every step of the way- whether beside us or carrying us. We are not alone. And this is such a relief especially when I try to be an octopus and do eight things at once. We all find ourselves doing this so often. But we are not alone! He will lift our "kites" up higher than we could have ever imagined. Thanks be to God!

Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your presence in our lives. Please lead us and guide us each day, according to Your will. Open our ears to hear Your Word of direction. And give us the courage to follow what we hear. In Your name we pray, Amen.

Contributed by Lois P.
Published Tuesday July 18, 2000
Week 34 of Liturgical Year B