Week of January 2, 2000
Nancy E.
"Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, holding in his hand the key of the abyss and a heavy chain. He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent -- that is, the Devil or Satan - and chained him up for a thousand years. The angel threw him into the abyss, locked it, and sealed it, so that he could not deceive the nations any more until the thousand years were over. After that he must be set loose for a little while will live, even though he dies."
Revelations 20: 1-3
During this week that closes the 20th century and opens the 21st, there will certainly be those who will continue to use this passage as well as others from Revelations to both confirm and predict heavenly interventions. How do you picture this exciting action? How did others depict it?
During a vacation to France, my husband and I visited the 13th century castle, Angers Chateau. This castle stands at the gateway to the Loire Valley. Its design was based upon the Crusaders' castles in the Holy Land. The edifice is surrounded by a curtain wall -- over a half-mile in circumference -- which is linked by 17 massive towers along a deep dry moat in which deer roam. One crosses over a drawbridge to enter the castle grounds. Inside is one of France's finest medieval tapestries.
The Apocalypse Tapestry was woven between 1375 and 1378 and represents the text of Saint John in the book of Revelation. Nicolas Bataille using illustrations of the painter, Hennequin de Bruges, wove the tapestry. The original work was 140 meters long and comprised of 90 panels. Seventy of the original panels remain and are displayed. Each panel is quite large as was required to provide warmth and decoration to castle walls. Visitors come from all over the world to study this artistic representation of Bible text. Free study guides are available in all the major languages of the world. One can stroll within a few inches of the art for breathtaking examination of the weaving or sit on benches placed far enough away to let one appreciate the sweeping panorama. Time is divided between the up-close investigation and the panoply study as you move along the extensive display. Viewing the tapestry panels easily requires several hours.
As you work your way along, you quickly note that Saint John is illustrated in each scene of the seventy panels. The medieval artists presented their representation of Saint John's difficult to understand allegorical text amidst their own times. Thus, the art is a living picture of the time in which it was done -- a fascinating historical view.
The work begins with Saint John, upon divine invitation, describing his visions for the good of the seven churches, shown as chapels. This symbolism pervades the entire work. In following panels, Saint John sees the Messiah among figures, which allegorically represent Creation. In other panels, the artists have attempted to explain the divine secrets described by Saint John. One panel is devoted to the four riders of the Apocalypse. Other major renderings include the identification of the chosen people, the unleashing of the forces of nature, the explanation of the seven claps of thunder, representation of Satan as a dragon, the fall of Babylon, and the suffering of the damned. The series of tapestries ends with the image of the celestial Jerusalem, the city of which Saint John measured perfection. In this panel, he prostrates himself before the Trinity.
A visit to view the tapestries at the Chateau of Angers is a rewarding spiritual experience. My New Year's wish for you is that you will have the opportunity to do this either in person or by studying these beautiful works of religious art in the many books about them.
Thank you God for those who have written the books to help us understand the mystery of your salvation for us. Bless those who represent your word in art. Guide us in seeking ways to include spiritual growth as part of our vacations. Amen. glorious gift to us, help us to set aside some time for quietness and stillness that we might truly find the gift of peace which you offer and in turn help us to reach out to others in peace. In your name. Amen.
Contributed by Nancy E.
Published Sunday January 2, 2000
Week 6 of Liturgical Year B