Week of February 27, 2000
Rosemary S.

"Unless the Lord builds the house,
those who build it labor in vain."

Psalm 127:1

"If you want to hear God laugh, make plans." That was the motto on the "stickie" that my boss gave me some time ago. I certainly did not plan to begin the new year with a trip to the hospital! The doctor discovered some blockage in two arteries of my heart and sent me across the street to Hahnemann Hospital to have angioplasty and stint insertion the next day. I certainly was not the typical candidate for such diagnosis and procedure, but there I was. During this time, I learned that I, who has always been the caretaker, was now the one in need of care. I learned that I could sit back and let others do for me for a change. I even learned to let someone else or the answering machine pick up the telephone when it rang.

We all make plans for our lives. We get so busy carrying out the plans that we forget to include God's will in our plans. When the plans do not work out, we often blame God. Instead, it might be better if we asked God what needs to be done, and then listen for the answer. Listen! That's the key word. It reminds me of the story of Mary and Martha. I've always thought Mary should have helped Martha, and then they could both have listened to Jesus. Maybe, though, Martha could have planned a more simple meal. Maybe Jesus and his friends would have been just as happy with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches instead of a seven course meal with fancy trimmings. (Bread and jelly are, of course, just another form of bread and wine, the meal that Jesus gave to us.) Then Martha could have spent more time listening. Remember what you were taught in Kindergarten to do before crossing the street? Stop - Look - and Listen. Stop what you are doing, look to God, and listen for his answer.

Lent begins March 8. A time to reflect and repent. Repent means to "turn around" or "turn back". It is a time to turn back to God, and let God lead you. Review the plans you have made. Is this what God has planned for you? Or is this what you have planned for God? Even the best of intentions can be thwarted if done for the wrong reason. The noblest effort is doomed to failure if motives are self serving. If our plans are too grandiose, we may need to simplify our goals. If we walk in the path of God, with God as our guide, we will succeed.

Loving heavenly father, great architect and designer of our lives, help us to remember that Jesus taught us to pray, "Thy will be done." Thank you for being the master planner in our world. Remind us that we need to stop going our own way, look to God for guidance, and listen to what God tells us. We ask this in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Contributed by Rosemary S.
Published Sunday February 27, 2000
Week 14 of Liturgical Year B