Week of December 25, 2000
Lynn W.
"He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were not born, not of blood or of the will of man, but of God."
John 1: 10-13
During advent, our preparation and readiness can be stressful for the expectations of what is about to come on Christmas Day. Today, Christ is born to all of us and we share with each other the gift of being children of God. The world did not recognize him during the shopping rush nor the cookie baking until you heard someone laughing, humming a familiar tune or embracing each other with love. If the cards didn't get done or the baking not complete, let it go for next year because it is more important to recognize what God's will is for each of us by being a member of His family.
Family traditions vary by nationality, our upbringing and our life situation. When my children were younger we sang "Happy Birthday Jesus" and listen to this song to keep Christ in Christmas:
Christ child is born
Herald angels sing Our
Star that shone
Three wise men
All that he stands for!
This year we gathered earlier in December with my family to share family heritage. Not all the cousins were present nor my Dad and his wife. But what my brothers and sister shared was my research from a few years ago about the family history. My plan was to have the completed books under the tree. But my brother did not make the copies in time so we spent our Christmas putting together the books discussing our treasures. We all decided for next year that everyone in the family will write an autobiography and make copies to share with each family. I realized I did not only share my autobiography but how I am a part of God's family.
This Christmas, I experienced the awe of our Christian traditions. God's love is passed down to each generation through the richness of our Christian family at Abiding Presence or wherever you worship God. The gift of being a child of God is free for all those who believe in Jesus. How important for all of us to take the time to share God's love this holiday season.
Celebrate Jesus' birthday by receiving Him in your heart, sharing Him with others and discover the will of God in your life. God's gift is free and it is for all, to become children of God in Jesus name.
PrayerMost Gracious Triune God,We are grateful for your love to send Jesus into this world to die for our sins. Our world still rejects Him by putting aside the meaning of Christmas. Help us share the true meaning of Christmas with others so that they see we belong to You. We are in awe to know that Your will for us is to be Your children because of Your son Jesus, now and forever. Amen.
Contributed by Lynn W.
Published Monday December 25, 2000
Week 5 of Liturgical Year C