Week of December 19, 1999
Rolf J.

"In those days a decree went out from Emperor Augustus
that all the world should be registered."

Luke 2:1

One of the strange parts of the Christmas story, is that the immediate event that set things rolling was an act by the Roman emperor. From a human perspective, it looks as if the emperor is in control of events -- he decides to take a census, so all the world gets moving to comply. But from a heavenly perspective, all of this took place to fulfill what had been promised long before through the prophets and immediately before through the angel. One wonders what the emperor would have thought if he had known that his actions were only just part of God's plan of salvation? It is good to know that God is at work in all things, even working in the world through the edicts of government and the travel plans of citizens.

Gracious God, guide us this week. Surround with your love all who travel. Bring them joy in this season and return them safely to their loved ones. Comfort all with the hope of Christ's resurrection. In your name. Amen.

Contributed by Rolf J.
Tuesday December 21, 1999
Liturgical Year B Week 4