Week of December 12, 1999
Melanie H.
"So faith, hope, love abide these three;
but the greatest of these is love."
1 Corinthians 13:1-3
Human love sometimes grows lukewarm, even cold. Yet of all human emotions, love is certain to last the longest. Even more lasting than romantic love, is love flowing from the Christians' faith in the love of our Heavenly Father. The Greek testament calls it "agape".
Growing up, our children had a Christian album with a song called "agape love." This was our favorite song. We would sing it throughout the home, and in our car all the time. This always made my heart swell with abundant joy.
In Paul's writing to the Corinthians he talks about three abiding virtues. Faith, hope and love, adding , "But the greatest of these is love." Much of what we hold in our faith must await eternal life in heaven before it comes to completeness. Our knowledge is imperfect. Some of the truths we hold in faith don't make sense because they surpass human understanding. With love its different. It always makes sense. Its always understanding. How thankful we are that love abides.
In this season of giving let us remember to give an extra ounce of love in whatever we do and in whomever we meet. Let us have love for one another, "agape love."
Pray for God's help so that you may always see yourself in the light of God's love for you, a love that exalts you. This we pray to our Heavenly Father, Amen.
Contributed by Melanie H.
Sunday December 19, 1999
Liturgical Year B Week 3