Redeemer Lutheran Church in Trenton is experiencing an emergency situation with families who are in need of food and supplies.


In 2005, Redeemer gave out 482 bags of food on a monthly basis and 44 emergency bags, The majority of recipients include seniors and individuals who live in Kingsbury, a low income housing project. Richard, the Volunteer Food Pantry Coordinator and a member of Redeemer, lives at Kingsbury so he is familiar with the folks that come through and who really need food. Food is also given to families in the congregation. Some live in South Trenton where Jackie, the office manager, lives so she knows the needs of the people in that area.


Lutheran Social Ministry's Immigration and Refugee program also received 229 bags for 173 refugees, last year. September was a high request month with the largest number of new arrivals and 43 bags of food for 34 refugees. Other months varied from 9 to 23 people. Needs in December were lower, with 4 people and 8 bags of food, possibly a result of people from other city churches giving food and gifts at Christmas and generous grant money was received by Redeemer from Thrivent to augment the required food supply.

Redeemer is growing! Attendance for the New Year's Eve and New Year's Day Services was 389 people. The distribution of food to those who are in need is an important part of the ministry of the church. In order to feed their souls with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ, it is important to also feed their bodies. Redeemer offers both necessities to those who are in the church and community.

Your support is greatly appreciated. The coordinators of the food pantry have asked specifically for the following items, but use your discretion as to other food gifts.

more shopping Jelly
Peanut butter
Fruit juices
Hot chocolate
Canned lunchmeat
Beef stew
Canned fruits
Canned vegetables
Dry milk
Small jars of mayonnaise
Bath soap
Toothpaste (and tooth brushes)

Since these items must be carried on buses or traveling on foot, items in unbreakable containers are safest for everyone.

Who do we help?
"Downtown" is where the poor, homeless, and elderly handicapped live. The Mill Hotel, on South Broad Street, is one of two Welfare Hotels for homeless people. Another location, for Welfare/SSI/Disability Women, is the YWCA on Hanover Street. Also, in our area, there are three high-rise apartment buildings for HUD low-income housing.
Your support allows us to provide food assistance. We require income verification from our clients and focus primarily on helping families, generally single women and children. One or two items added to your shopping list each week will not cost you much, but could make a real difference for our children.

Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
Abiding Presence Lutheran Church
Feb 2006