Sunday Lectionary
This shows Sundays, plus a few special holidays, for the three-year lectionary cycle. The final three columns (From, To, RCL) show the earliest and latest dates on which the reading may occur and the RCL notation for the reading. Note that each of the lines in the three columns Years A,B,C takes you to the appropriate reading for that date. The use of '---' means the reading is not being used for the year, but will still take you to the reading. Dates are correct for years A(2019-2020), B(2020-2021), C(2021-2022) |
Season | Color | Sunday | Year A | Year B | Year C | From | To | RCL Number |
Advent | blue | First Sunday of Advent | 12/01/19 | 11/29/20 | 11/28/21 | 27-Nov | 03-Dec | --- |
Advent | blue | Second Sunday of Advent | 12/08/19 | 12/06/20 | 12/05/21 | 04-Dec | 10-Dec | --- |
Advent | blue | Third Sunday of Advent | 12/15/19 | 12/13/20 | 12/12/21 | 11-Dec | 17-Dec | --- |
Advent | blue | Fourth Sunday of Advent | 12/22/19 | 12/20/20 | 12/19/21 | 18-Dec | 24-Dec | --- |
Christmas | white | Christmas Eve Proper I | 12/24/19 | 12/24/20 | 12/24/21 | 24-Dec | 24-Dec | --- |
Christmas | white | Christmas Day Proper II | 12/25/19 | 12/25/20 | 12/25/21 | 25-Dec | 25-Dec | --- |
Christmas | white | Christmas Day Proper III | 12/25/19 | 12/25/20 | 12/25/21 | 25-Dec | 25-Dec | --- |
Christmas | white | First Sunday after Christmas | 12/29/19 | 12/27/20 | 12/26/21 | 26-Dec | 01-Jan | --- |
Christmas | white | Second Sunday after Christmas | 01/05/20 | --- | 01/02/22 | 02-Jan | 05-Jan | --- |
Christmas | white | Holy Name of Jesus | 01/01/20 | 01/01/21 | 01/01/22 | 01-Jan | 01-Jan | --- |
Christmas | white | New Year's Day | 01/01/20 | 01/01/21 | 01/01/22 | 01-Jan | 01-Jan | --- |
Epiphany | white | Epiphany of Our Lord | 01/06/20 | 01/06/21 | 01/06/22 | 06-Jan | 06-Jan | --- |
Epiphany | white | Baptism of Our Lord | 01/12/20 | 01/10/21 | 01/09/22 | 07-Jan | 13-Jan | lectionary 01 |
Epiphany | green | Second Sunday after the Epiphany | 01/19/20 | 01/17/21 | 01/16/22 | 14-Jan | 20-Jan | lectionary 02 |
Epiphany | green | Third Sunday after the Epiphany | 01/26/20 | 01/24/21 | 01/23/22 | 21-Jan | 27-Jan | lectionary 03 |
Epiphany | green | Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany | 02/02/20 | 01/31/21 | 01/30/22 | 28-Jan | 03-Feb | lectionary 04 |
Epiphany | green | Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany | 02/09/20 | 02/02/21 | 02/05/22 | 04-Feb | 10-Feb | lectionary 05 |
Epiphany | green | Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany | 02/16/20 | --- | 02/13/22 | 11-Feb | 17-Feb | lectionary 06 |
Epiphany | green | Seventh Sunday after the Epiphany | --- | --- | 02/20/22 | 18-Feb | 24-Feb | lectionary 07 |
Epiphany | green | Eighth Sunday after the Epiphany | --- | --- | --- | 25-Feb | 03-Mar | lectionary 08 |
Epiphany | green | Ninth Sunday after the Epiphany | --- | --- | --- | 04-Mar | 10-Mar | --- |
Epiphany | white | Transfiguration of Our Lord | 02/23/20 | 02/14/21 | 02/27/22 | --- | -- | --- |
Lent | purple | Ash Wednesday | 0226/20 | 02/17/21 | 03/02/22 | 04-Feb | 10-Mar | --- |
Lent | purple | First Sunday in Lent | 03/01/20 | 02/21/21 | 03/06/22 | 08-Feb | 14-Mar | --- |
Lent | purple | Second Sunday in Lent | 03/08/20 | 02/28/21 | 03/13/22 | 18-Feb | 21-Mar | --- |
Lent | purple | Third Sunday in Lent | 03/15/20 | 03/07/21 | 03/20/22 | 22-Feb | 28-Mar | --- |
Lent | purple | Fourth Sunday in Lent | 03/22/20 | 03/14/18 | 03/27/22 | 28-Feb | 04-Apr | --- |
Lent | purple | Fifth Sunday in Lent | 03/29/20 | 03/21/21 | 04/03/22 | 07-Mar | 11-Apr | --- |
Lent | purple/red | Liturgy of the Palms | 04/05/20 | 03/28/21 | 04/10/22 | 18-Mar | 18-Apr | --- |
Lent | purple/red | Liturgy of the Passion | 04/05/20 | 03/28/21 | 04/10/22 | 18-Mar | 18-Apr | not in RCL |
Easter | white/gold | Resurrection of Our Lord | 04/12/20 | 04/04/21 | 04/17/22 | 22-Mar | 25-Apr | --- |
Easter | white | Second Sunday of Easter | 04/19/20 | 04/11/21 | 04/24/22 | 29-Mar | 02-May | --- |
Easter | white | Third Sunday of Easter | 04/26/20 | 04/18/21 | 05/01/22 | 05-Apr | 09-May | --- |
Easter | white | Fourth Sunday of Easter | 05/03/20 | 04/25/21 | 05/08/22 | 12-Apr | 16-May | --- |
Easter | white | Fifth Sunday of Easter | 05/10/20 | 05/02/21 | 05/15/22 | 19-Apr | 23-May | --- |
Easter | white | Sixth Sunday of Easter | 05/10/20 | 05/09/21 | 05/15/22 | 26-Apr | 30-May | --- |
Easter | white | Ascension of Our Lord | 05/21/20 | 05/13/21 | 05/26/22 | 03-May | 07-Jun | --- |
Easter | white | Seventh Sunday of Easter | 05/24/20 | 05/16/21 | 05/29/22 | 10-May | 14-Jun | --- |
Easter | Red | Day of Pentecost | 05/31/20 | 05/23/21 | 05/05/22 | 17-May | 21-Jun | --- |
Pentecost | white | The Holy Trinity | 06/07/20 | 05/30/21 | 06/12/22 | 24-May | 28-Jun | --- |
Pentecost | green | Proper 03 | --- | --- | --- | 24-May | 28-May | lectionary 08 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 04 | --- | --- | --- | 29-May | 04-Jun | lectionary 09 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 05 | --- | 06/06/21 | --- | 05-Jun | 11-Jun | lectionary 10 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 06 | 06/14/20 | 06/13/21 | --- | 12-Jun | 18-Jun | lectionary 11 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 07 | 06/21/20 | 06/20/21 | 06/19/22 | 19-Jun | 25-Jun | lectionary 12 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 08 | 06/28/20 | 06/27/21 | 06/26/22 | 26-Jun | 02-Jul | lectionary 13 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 09 | 07/05/20 | 07/04/21 | 07/03/22 | 03-Jul | 09-Jul | lectionary 14 |
Pentecost | green | Proper10 | 07/13/20 | 07/11/21 | 07/10/19 | 10-Jul | 16-Jul | lectionary 18 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 11 | 07/19/20 | 07/18/21 | 07/17/22 | 17-Jul | 23-Jul | lectionary 16 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 12 | 07/26/20 | 07/25/21 | 07/24/22 | 24-Jul | 30-Jul | lectionary 17 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 13 | 08/02/20 | 08/01/21 | 07/31/22 | 31-Jul | 06-Aug | lectionary 18 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 14 | 08/09/20 | 08/08/21 | 08/07/22 | 07-Aug | 13-Aug | lectionary 19 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 15 | 08/16/20 | 08/15/21 | 08/15/22 | 14-Aug | 20-Aug | lectionary 20 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 16 | 08/23/20 | 08/22/21 | 08/21/22 | 21-Aug | 27-Aug | lectionary 21 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 17 | 08/30/30 | 09/02/21 | 08/28/22 | 28-Aug | 03-Sep | lectionary 22 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 18 | 09/06/20 | 09/05/21 | 09/04/22 | 04-Sep | 10-Sep | lectionary 23 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 19 | 09/13/20 | 09/12/21 | 09/11/22 | 11-Sep | 17-Sep | lectionary 24 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 20 | 09/20/20 | 09/19/21 | 09/18/22 | 18-Sep | 24-Sep | lectionary 25 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 21 | 09/27/20 | 09/26/21 | 09/25/22 | 25-Sep | 01-Oct | lectionary 26 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 22 | 10/04/20 | 10/03/21 | 10/02/22 | 02-Oct | 08-Oct | lectionary 27 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 23 | 10/11/20 | 10/10/21 | 10/09/22 | 09-Oct | 18-Oct | lectionary 28 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 24 | 10/18/20 | 10/17/21 | 10/16/22 | 16-Oct | 22-Oct | lectionary 29 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 25 | 10/25/20 | 10/24/21 | 10/23/22 | 23-Oct | 29-Oct | lectionary 30 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 26 | 11/01/20 | 10/31/21 | 10/30/22 | 30-Oct | 05-Nov | lectionary 31 |
Pentecost | green | All Saints Day | 11/01/20 | 11/01/21 | 11/01/22 | 01-Nov | 01-Nov | --- |
Pentecost | green | Proper 27 | 11/08/20 | 11/07/21 | 11/06/22 | 06-Nov | 12-Nov | lectionary 32 |
Pentecost | green | Proper 28 | 11/15/20 | 11/14/21 | 11/13/22 | 13-Nov | 19-Nov | lectionary 33 |
Pentecost | green/white | Proper 29 | 11/22/20 | 11/21/21 | 11/29/22 | 20-Nov | 26-Nov | lectionary 34 |
Pentecost | green | Day of Thanksgiving | 11/26/20 | 11/25/21 | 11/24/22 | 22-Nov | 28-Nov | |